Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Silverstorm's Poems

These are wonderful poems by Silverstorm, please respond to her amazing thoughtful work. Thank you for sharing them Silverstorm, and you are officially invited to become a Spirit Artist, as long as you keep sending in artwork.
 Please notify me on what picture you want yourself represented as on the main blog.

A Leaf

I look up,
A leaf is falling,
From a tree,
Swift and graceful,
As beautiful as could be.

It falls into a stream..
It drifts back and forth.
And now that it’s wet,
the leaf is shriveled and smaller.
But its journey continues yet.

Now the sun rises,
And in a day’s time,
The river is no more,
Leaving fish gasping for breath,
and the leaf; the one that isn’t poor of life.

The wind sweeps up the leaf,
It brings it over a valley,
Over a rocky land,
to a small street,
and into my hand. 


A wolf casts its shadow,
over a hill,
and I see it,
It stretches to the abandoned windmill.

A bird,
nothing more than a young sparrow,
Her shadow casts on the ground,
in and out, in the shape of an arrow.

The small shadows that scared you as a child,
are now a part of life, 
You see it everywhere,
And it startles me, like the blade of a knife.

And now I look at my own.
I life my leg, she lifts her leg,
I smile, she doesn’t. 
I plead, she begs. 


  1. Thanks!
    Can i create my own? It will just have a bunch of font on it so it won't really be mine...But I accept! :)

  2. Here's the banner photo link:

  3. @Silverstorm
    It's awesome! I'm not sure if it will work as a banner though. Could I make an additional one and include both in each of your art posts? I already have an idea for layout options. :D
