Friday, November 16, 2012

Spooky Art by Wikabog

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  1. that...was....freaking.....

    Comments on idividual pics:
    Pic 1: Will you be making a story blog for this? If so, LINK ME!
    Pic 2: Yep that did make a wee bit of me die inside.
    Pic 3: /)0o0/) i can so relate...

  2. @Eghuds
    Really!? Thank you!!8D
    1~Yes,yes it will. You really want the link? Sweet! I haven't published anything juust yet,but I'm in the process of writing.
    2~Lol,don't worry he's just CLocks,for the story blog above. XD
    3~Yush...I love that song,I can relate to it perfectly...Of course I can relate to almost every Three Days Grace song,so it's not anything new. XD

    1. Wow...this is embarrasing... i havent heard the song, i just thought it was a quote /)_-
      on another note, totally gonna check out your blog!

    2. it looks super awesome :O totally submitting a ccracter when i know what alley runners and such are xD

  3. @Eghuds
    Lol,yep,it's One-X By Three Days Grace,and that's where I got the drawing style from. The album cover is silmilar to what I drew.
    And you should check it out,too. It's a really inspirational,along with their other inspirational songs. :D And also,the one that says "And now you're dead inside..." is also based off of a song,also by Three Days Grace. :D
    And yeash,please do! XD And that'd be awesome if you did! :D

  4. Amazing art as usual!!!
    It's all very epic.

    1. Thank you!
      (Even though you already saw it all on dA XD)
