Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Diyosoraptor by lucykate651

Send your artwork to animaljamspirit@gmail.com


  1. Nice Imagination! I like it. Unfortunately, this dinosaur couldn't be possible. It would be too heavy to fly. Its chest, mainly. If we had wings but no chests, we would be able to fly mainly. And with the dinosaurs body weight... well, lets just say its impossible. But I can see that you know a fair bit about raptors. You made the connection that raptors had feathers. Did you know that T-rex might have had feathers? I think they'd look really cool with feathers. What do you think? And, JURASSIC PARK IS WRONG WRONG WRONG! The ''Velociraptor'' is actually Utah-raptor, but they thought the name Velociraptor was cool so they copied it. Well, as I said nice imagination! :D


    1. Thanks!
      Actually, I know this wouldn't be possible! XD This is just a species I made up a LONG time ago! The wings are more for gliding and clawing prey/attackers in mid air. The thing around it's arm is an arm brace. They are very intelligent, smarter than the average human by almost 5 times.
      I read about the Tyrannosaurus Rex having feathers! It would be so cool if us humans can go back in time to actually see all of these dinosaurs! (Except the haunting fact we could get eaten... DX)
      This is actually the normal species or you could just say. This is the non-hybrid species of the Diyosoraptor! :3

      Sorry if I didn't respond so soon... I thought I replied to this a long time ago! ^^;


    2. I think it's really cool. And it's fine if you didn't reply. I don't check very often anyway XD
      You have a wild imagination. I have some weird thoughts floating around in my brain too. Like the dragon bird... I still remember when I was in year one I would make this bird thingies out of pipe cleaners. I kept losing them at school! XD


      P.s I like dinosaurs a lot as-well. What is your favourite? mine is probably Deltadromeus.

    3. And, I wish people could go back in time as-well! I want to see antarctica in that age. It sounds like a place that was absolutely thriving with dinosaurs! Which is your favourite age? I like the jurassic, and maybe a few dinosaurs from the permian, but permian landscape from lots of pictures just looks a little off :P which age did this dinosaur live in?

    4. I like the Devonian period. But, I like the Jurassic time period, too!
      I don't really have a favorite dinosaur! I like them all! :D But, I do like the Microraptor!! (http://static.ddmcdn.com/gif/dinosaur-feather-3.jpg)
      The time period for the Diyosoraptor is in the Mesozoic Era and a little in the Permian time period...


    5. Add me on animal jam :P I am Anubis262.

      Devonian period is pretty cool! That was the time when the only things on earth were little fish and bacteria... or I'm getting mixed up with the age of the sea scorpions.



  2. But the feathers are very right :)
