Sunday, June 23, 2013

Coloring by CanyonCrawler123

Designed on an app called ChibiMe!
Send your artwork to


  1. That's really cool! I love how you did the hair :)

  2. IT'S not her drawing, it's just app called chibi maker! UGH -.-


    2. So? She sent it in to just so that she could show how she colored it in. She didn't send it in for you guys to hate on it. How would you feel if you spent a lot of time on a piece of art and someone said mean this about it. Put you in the place of this artist and how do you feel? The point is that you shouldn't be mean to other people just because what they call "art" isn't your idea of what you call "art". So shame on anyone who was being mean on here. I hope you reconsider each post you make and wonder if it will hurt the artist's feelings.

  3. It's still a nice design :)


  4. Actually Egile Radaityte, Not to be rude but i created the original copy on Chibi Me but this is a copy i made digitally free hand. And thank you RainbowCharizard and DragonWolf70 :)

  5. I can draw awesome wolves. Just my mom won't let me send it in. She might later.


  6. Hmm...interesting drawing! I like it! :)

    In the description of that picture from the link, it says that the picture was made with an app called ChibiMe. Because of the similar layout of the picture I believe that the picture canyoncrawler123 made was also made with the app called ChibiMe which is an app for an android phone. Please take this drawing down.

  8. Snowy you need to join Disney Create!

    1. Eheh.. That's true!


      Jam on!


      P.S. Disney Create: Screen name: animaljamlover5

      I know, I always go on there when I am bored, so I make HORRIBLE creations.

  9. Snowyclaw, i understand if your mad at me, and if you take it down i see why. I apologize and honestly feel like crying. i would appreciate it if all rude comments would stop. i made exactly 83 different copies, each one leading up to this. there were the smallest changes made an i felt like it had to be perfect. i worked hard on this and it hurts to be pulled down on something i put so much time and effort into. skyways, spottedleaf836, and Egile Redaityte, you have hurt me a lot. I hope you all understand.

    Love and infinite Apologies,
    CanyonCrawler123 AKA CCreviewer

    1. Honestly, you shouldn't cry over things like this. There ARE going to be haters and trolls, and these non believers are nothing. If you really drew it, post a comment saying "Not to be rude, but I DID draw this. :) I've spent a lot of time drawing and practicing.". People just think young artists can't be that talented.

    2. If you thought my intention was to hurt your feelings, it wasn't. My only intention was to straighten things out. And I'm truly sorry If I hurt your feelings in any way D= I hope you accept my apologies.

    3. I understand. Honestly, u were probably the most polite out of the 3. No offense to skyways and Egile R.

  10. Yeah! I'm a young artist, too. I get trolls and haters. What they said WERE hurtful, and YOU WORKED HARD ON IT, SKYWAYS, SPOTTEDLEAF836, EGILE REDAITYTE~

    1. I know right! My sister and I drew a flag for our camp with pawesome tigers on it, but the judges voted for the other one because they thought the grown-ups drew ours for us! THE NERVE OF SOME PEOPLE! UGH!


    2. THE NERVE OF EVERYONE I HATE IM SHAKING IN MY CHAIR WITH ANGER GO AWAY AND NEVER TALK TO ME AGAIN, YOU HERE ME!?!?!?!?!?!!?!? Sorry I can get VERRRRRYYY angry sometimES and lose control. Its just that im not a hater, I get VERRY angry. I can't stand anything like this. DROP IT

  11. Anonymous-well said!
    Nebula Night And RainbowCharizard- well positively, It means ur just epic artists and crazy talented and i encourage u to never stop =)
    skyways- apologies, Im just trying to be honest so i agree with u when u say drop it. Draaamaa!! (im not a fan of drama)

  12. I drew a zebra and sent it in.... There was two comments...
    1. "Wow! That person has some awesome talent!" Or something along those lines... :P)
    2. "Looks like a bunch of lines...."
    Number two hurt my feelings, even though it was not much... I worked hard on it (let's say it costed zoning out in Latin class... :P) it took all school day AND a few hours after school because I erased all the pencil marks (lines.. I dunno) then the week after I painted it in art class.....
    But after a while I learned to ignore all the mean comments anyone can leave.
    I guess the whole point of this comment is for me to tell you, no matter how mean others can be, your artwork is always special and amazing no matter was other think, or even you.
    IT'S UNIQUE No matter if it looks almost identical to author thingy someone is referencing..
    (Just saying, I get annoyed very easily, I don't think of it as anger issues, but you can think that, I don't care- and this works for me even, so if you read this, try it :)

  13. Wow. I guess I never really thought about that! Wise words arctic33, Wise words! And I'm sure it was an awesome zebra, from how much time and effort put into it =)
