Saturday, September 21, 2013

Jammers by DragonWolf70

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  1. Whoa... that bunny looks really good! I love how the ears are flopped. XD


  2. gee, she thinks she did TERRIBLE on the bunny! But the bunny's me XD Hey, Shadow Charziard, what's your user on aj?

    1. It's.... ShadowCharizard on aj. O.o
      That's the reason I changed it so that people could know my aj user....


  3. It is VERY good! However, the sky is too empty and there is no sun. Not to mention that the rabbit's front legs look twisted. Eitherways, you got the wolf's faces right! It's VERY close to looking like a real wolf! Only thing missing is all that fur texture, but you don't need it ALL the time :P Keep up the work!

  4. Watch out, bunny! Those wolves look hungry! XD

    Very good picture. :3

    1. hahaha yea I have difficulties with backgrounds :3 I just cant seem to draw good suns! I wanted to draw trees and do shading in the sky and all :3 And to be truthful I was very unhappy with the way my bunny came out :3 I didn't like the back or the front legs, but at the time I was too busy doing Summer Reading and math for school to fix it :) By the way whats the best way to learn to do backgrounds? I cant do them to save my life :3

  5. This picture is pretty nice, I only have a few objections
    1: The hind legs on both the wolves are anatomically incorrect, there suggests no curve from the hind legs. only straight lines.
    2: The wolves heads are a tad to big, try to shrink them down a little.

    Other than that this picture is fine. The only other thing I would add is the backround looks to plain
    Keep up the good work :)

    1. Thanks! Yea I saw the thing about the legs, but I really didn't have much time to fix it. At the time I was cramming for a 100 question test on a mythology book for school, but I really wanted to enter. So that's the result of rushed work :3 The head thing I can see now and as for the background, I just cant draw them :3 Not that I would have had time to, but meh ;3

  6. Wow! You're a good artist! Especially that you rushed a little.

    1. Nah I'm still a beginner I've been drawing graphically for less than a year, but unfortunately I haven't had much time to work on my drawing skills lately because of school :3 If you want to see some good art you should check out some artists on YouTube! They were my inspiration! :)
