Saturday, March 10, 2012

Artwork by Titanic1997

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  1. Squigmunks/Titanic1997March 10, 2012 at 11:54 AM

    Aw, thanks for finally posting it! :D I'm going to make more and more BETTER art so I can become a spirit artist! :)

  2. where did u get the background?

  3. Squigmunks/Titanic1997March 13, 2012 at 9:01 PM


    I made the background myself. I can make you a copy of it, if you like. LOL, then again, I'll have to remember how I even made it! :P But if you really want it, just holler.

  4. aw, that is so good!!! and it is also cute!! hey can you so me a favor? please post another comment in response to this one, titanic1997, so i can finally prove to my friend i have REAL ONLINE INTERACTION with other people. :P

  5. oh sorry when i said so me a favor i meant do me a favor XD

  6. Squigmunks/Titanic1997March 14, 2012 at 7:53 AM


    OK, LOL. Thanks for the positive critique! I appreciate it! :D

    PS-Are you glad to have an online interaction???

  7. Wow how do you draw like this? What program do you use?

    1. Squigmunks/Titanic1997March 24, 2012 at 2:37 AM

      Well, for this picture I used GIMP. However, I recently got Paint Tool Sai, so I've been drawing the line-art in Sai and making the backgrounds in GIMP. But this picture is a pure GIMP photo. And I also have a drawing tablet, if that explains a little. My drawing tablet wasn't expensive either. :D
